Manage Resigned Employees

  • Updated
You can check information on resigned employees and modify resignation date.

  • Admins can view information on all resigned employees. Leaders can only view information on resigned employees in their managing groups.



View resigned employees

1. Dashboard > Members > Resigned employees

2. Check the list of employees who were processed as resigned(deleted).




  • Account deleted date is the date when the account was deleted, and resignation date is the entered date when deleting the account.


Modify resignation date

You can modify the resignation date at any time even after the employee's account has been deleted.

Modify resignation date from the resigned employees list

1. Dashboard > Members > Resigned employees

2. Click next to the employee's resignation date, and it will change to the editing status.

3. Select a date from the calendar.

4. Click to save.




Modify resignation date from the member details page

1. Dashboard > Members > Resigned employees

2. Select a resigned employee from the list and check the member details page.

3. Check the resignation date shown below the member's profile picture. When you click , it will change to the editing status.




4. Select a date from the calendar.

5. Click to save.